Help a Neighbor clean-up

E-mail Shoreline Estates for particulars and to sign up. Meet at DeWinter house at 10 AM.  90221 Hawkins

HOA Board Meeting

Board Meetings held via Zoom & at 90221 Hawkins Rd the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm. Contact for agendas and Zoom information.

Help a Neighbor Clean-up

E-mail Shoreline Estates for particulars and to sign up. Meet at DeWinter house at 10 AM.  90221 Hawkins

HOA Board Meeting

Board Meetings held via Zoom & at 90221 Hawkins Rd the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm. Contact for agendas and Zoom information.

HOA Board Meeting

Board Meetings held via Zoom & at 90221 Hawkins Rd the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm. Contact for agendas and Zoom information.

Cullaby Lake Boat Races

Columbia Outboard Racing Association race Saturday and Sunday, September 8th and 9th