Help a Neighbor clean-up

E-mail Shoreline Estates for particulars and to sign up. Meet at DeWinter house at 10 AM.  90221 Hawkins

HOA Board Meeting

Board Meetings held via Zoom & at 90221 Hawkins Rd the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm. Contact for agendas and Zoom information.

Help a Neighbor Clean-up

E-mail Shoreline Estates for particulars and to sign up. Meet at DeWinter house at 10 AM.  90221 Hawkins

HOA Board Meeting

Board Meetings held via Zoom & at 90221 Hawkins Rd the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm. Contact for agendas and Zoom information.

HOA Board Meeting

Board Meetings held via Zoom & at 90221 Hawkins Rd the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm. Contact for agendas and Zoom information.